Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One week and counting...

Its hard to believe that the Public Enemies movie is set to be released in less than one week.

It has been a 16 month wild and crazy ride... One casting call, and one night of a dream come true, followed by several months of eager anticipation... have all lead up to this!

In a mere 6 days, at the local premier of Public Enemies, I will find out whether or not I made it to the silver screen in my very first major movie debut as a movie extra in a Major Motion Picture... "Public Enemies".

How did I get here... Well that is what this Blog was intended to convey. However... there has been one little disclaimer... (there is always a disclaimer...)

Partially due to contractual language, and more so my fear of jeopardizing my once in a life time chance to participate in the filming of this movie, I have done my best to live up to, and abide by, the employment rules set forth by Philco Casting company.

As a condition of employment with the Joan Philco Casting Company, all extras were asked, and required to sign an agreement and code of conduct to participate in the filming of Public Enemies.
We were all provided a set of rules to live by and should we be cast as an extra in the film Public Enemies, we were asked to honor those rules... Including, but not limited to, not bringing cameras on to the set, releasing information to the media regarding the filming, and utmost, do not in anyway distract the actors... And in exchange for agreeing to the above, we would be provided the opportunity to be a part of a Michael Mann film...

To which I am proud to report, I have managed to uphold them all.

One only has to do a search of "Public Enemies" to discover that this has not always been the case across the board for all extras. There are plenty of behind the scenes photos of the stars, as well as the extras, and information regarding what had happened on the set on the day of shooting.

Not so for me… I have even waited until now to blog more about my experience so as to not break the confidence and trust that the Joan Philo Casting company has entrusted me with…

With that said, and with numerous pre release screenings, an unofficial premiere in Chicago, and the Official world premiere in Los Angeles a few days ago, I felt that it was now safe to continue to write about my experience as a movie extra in the movie "Public Enemies" set to be released nation wide on 7/1/09.

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