Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fate smiles down on me...

So, I make the call to the number listed, and talk to a gentleman named Steve. I identify myself, and why I was calling... there is a rustling of pappers, a brief pause, and then a "Ahh yes, Greg" here we are...

Then as if reading from a script, or rote from a call that has no doubt been placed thousands of times before... Steve asks me if I was still interested in a role as a movie extra for the upcoming Public Enemies movie... To which I immediately and automatically blurted out "yes, would I!"

He explained that the film is based on the story of John Dellinger, and that the film is set in the 1930’s. There would be a wardrobe fitting, and a hair cut to reflect the style of that era. He then asked again, is this something that you are willing to do? Again, I responded with an enthusiastic "yes".

He explained that they would be filming a congress scene in Madison in early May. That I was selected to be one of the audiance background extras in the scene, and it could run one or two days, depending on the filming schedule. The date and exact location was not yet set, but I would be notified closer to the date of the actual date and place of where to report.

The next step was for me to set up a date and time for a wardrobe fitting and a hair cut.
He explained where I would need to report, and what to bring. He asked that I arrive early, as there was also paperwork to complete. I was to bring a current government issued ID, and a social security card. I would become an employee of the casting company… Uncle Sam would be wanting his cut…

Wow, I am going to be a movie extra in a Michael Mann movie starring Johnny Depp, AND get paid for it?? Wow, the gods really are smiling down on me.

He provided me with directions of where I should go for the fitting, and said I should arrive at wardrobe wearing a clean white T-shirt, black pants and dark shoes. Oh, and by the way, I should be clean shaven… I explained that I had a mustache… "Oh" he says, "you are going to want to get rid of that"

This was the only speed bump for me in this process thus far… I come from a family that is long on hair, but is short on lips… We have those pencil thin, almost non existent lizard/chicken lips… and until now, I have successfully hidden that fact from most of the world for the past 20 some years… Now all would be revealed… So long mustache, so long soul patch, hello obscure once in a life time major motion picture movie appearance… Was it worth it?

Hell yeah it was worth it! Dam the torpedoes, full speed ahead…

Now where did I put that razor…